Christopher Walka

My JAM Projects

"Historically  Accurate" Jam

December 26th, 2020 - January 3rd, 2021

The "Historically Accurate 3" game jam presented an opportunity to create a game inspired by the "Cold War" theme over the course of one week. As the sole developer of my submission, with some audio mixing support from my friend Sam (Native Darkness), I aimed to build a game revolving around competitive AI, stressful controls, and an intriguing twist on the traditional combat trope.

I wanted to avoid conventional combat and spy scenarios and aimed for a challenge that would stress the player through interfacing with controls. The theme of the "Cold War" aligned well with the idea of a competitive AI, and I decided to build a game revolving around the "Space Race."

Drawing inspiration from old "Mavis Beacon" typing training as well as various "Mario Party" games, I introduced typing controls with added minigames that required mouse interactions. The central idea became a head-to-head typing game between the USA and the USSR, where the player would constantly be moving their hands. The gameplay pattern was set as a loop where the player would type a word, perform a Quick Time Event (QTE), and repeat, all while racing against a bot doing the same thing.


As I was also responsible for all visual assets, I introduced myself to Blender, learning the basics of manipulating geometry. I used the first day or so to focus on creating the assets I would need for the game.

After completing the necessary models, the baseline mechanics were implemented. I created text input fields hidden on the screen to capture the player's input, and the QTEs designed to reflect different actions like Launching, Public Testing, and Research Reporting.

At this point, I created a series of 3 separate but simple mini-games, including:

  • "Propaganda": Requiring users to click on numerous, scattered, Radio towers, adding unpredictability and thematic relevance.

  • "Experiment" & "Research Report": Based on historical NASA locations, these added a rapid-click game.

  • "Public Test" & "Launch": Centered around clicking & holding a rocket for a set time period to launch it, tying into the theme.

As I wrapped up the mini-games, progress was tracked, and I implemented a system where public tests were strategically tied to performing launches. Additionally, I ensured each of the mini-games were tied together using various resources (National Pride, Money, and Public Opinion) and a solid core game loop was in place.

Towards the end of the project, the competitive AI was added, and mechanics were polished and balanced for each difficulty. Additionally, I added the ability to choose between playing as the USA or the USSR, each with their own bonuses and defects.

Finally, with the addition of sound effects and further refinement, the project reached its submission-ready state.

The project was an insightful exploration into designing stressful controls and competitive AI. The time constraint inevitably led to some compromises:

  • Mini-games were reused for different actions; ideally, they would be unique for each.
  • The tutorial was presented as a large block of text rather than an interactive experience.
  • The icons and resources used had to be rushed into the instruction text rather than being explained or demonstrated for the player.
  • Further visual and audio polish would have created a more cohesive aesthetic.

The "Historically Accurate 3" game jam became a platform to create an engaging and thematically rich game, blending typing mechanics with historical context and inventive gameplay challenges. The inclusion of AI added an extra layer of competitiveness and complexity. I feel that it showcased the possibilities of thematic interpretation and the provided me the joy of building a system interfaced by both players and bots, ultimately making the gameplay balancing a rewarding experience.

One-Script Jam

December 17th, 2020 - December 24th, 2020

During the one-week game jam, where I participated as the sole developer, I chose to revamp the classic game of Minesweeper in a 3D format, inspired by the provided theme, "Power Source." In keeping with the unique condition of the game jam, the coding was completed in a singular script. This posed a distinct challenge, in balancing code readability and functionality within a single document.

With the explosive nature of "Power Source" as my central theme, I decided to focus on the logic of mine placement as the starting point. I designed an algorithm that would generate the positions of mines in the grid. This was a crucial step as it would define the core gameplay and influence the player's experience.

Subsequent to the establishment of the mine placement logic, the development of simple camera movements became my primary focus. In order to accommodate the shift from 2D to 3D gameplay, I introduced a camera system to allow the player to pivot around the 3D grid. Although this change in perspective necessitated a rethinking of the standard Minesweeper controls and mechanics, I decided to adhere to the source material as closely as possible.

Next, I added a tagging system that allowed boxes to reflect specific states or to reveal their contents. This essential Minesweeper mechanic brought a sense of suspense and strategy to the game, reinforcing the theme of volatile power.

Once the basic Minesweeper functionality was implemented in a 3x3x3 cube, my attention turned to user experience. Rotating numbers were added to match the screen orientation, and the color of the numbers was changed to indicate the number of adjacent mines. An information page was added to explain the controls to players, while a simple background animation was designed to offer players a baseline orientation, making navigation and interaction with the 3D environment more intuitive.

Finally, I integrated a simple scoreboard and introduced varying levels of difficulty to increase re-playability and cater to a broader range of players.

Reflecting on this development experience, there are several improvements I'd consider for future iterations. I would standardize camera movement controls, optimizing for usability and ease of navigation in the 3D space. I'd also enhance the mine revealing algorithm, adding complexity to the current flat 20% random chance system, likely improving gameplay diversity and strategic depth. Aesthetic refinement would also be on the cards, investing more time in creating visually engaging environments, potentially enabling a more potent reflection of the "Power Source" theme.

Overall, this game jam served as a platform for experimenting with the traditional Minesweeper gameplay, translating it into a 3D setting while exploring the potential of the theme "Power Source." The challenges of single-script coding and a one-week deadline resulted in a unique and engaging project that has illuminated avenues for further improvement and innovation.